Kate Bright
Blue Bamboo, 2018
oil on canvas
69 x 59 inches
Kate Bright (London, UK) studies the seductive refractions of light in pools, fountains, and ponds. Her signature style utilizes glitter, resin, glass and polystyrene on the surfaces of the paintings. Rob Wynne (New York, NY) choreographs large hand-poured abstractions of mirrored glass on the walls that glimmer while they call natural formations and swarms of organic form to mind. Using bold colors, radiant light, and dynamic perspectives, Louise Belcourt (Brooklyn, NY and Quebec) paints images of tectonic landforms—stacked, occluded, and cascading into foreground and background—medled melded with natural forms. Virgil Marti’s (Philadelphia) The Golden Bough (2013) is cast from a split tree trunk and features a gilded grapevine, immortalizing and petrifying their natural features. Yeesookyung (Seoul, Korea) creates organic, “grafted” structures from discarded pieces of Joseon-style ceramics deemed imperfect by potters that evolve into contemporary, life-imbued, conceptual forms.